Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Fragility of Life

Do we really understand the fragility of Life?
Have we ever thought of consequence and all the Strife?
So we can run around in cars and have our pretty things
Have you ever thought of all the pain we Human’s bring?
Have you ever considered just how you’d feel if orphaned you were left
As your mother became a trophy with her skin stripped from her chest?
Did you never spare a thought for the Ocean and her depths?
A dumping ground for all our waste no longer we respect,
And have you thought how hard it is to find enough to eat
When driven from your home
Have you ever wondered how far that you would roam?
And did you never think as the Ice melts in your drink
Of the Polar Bears home that in the Ocean sinks..
It’s time to understand that we cannot turn away
For we are each responsible for the world we live today
We humans have tipped the scales as we destroy with tools of greed
It’s time to re-awake and replant a caring seed.
© Dreamwalker - 2013 All rights reserved.
Please feel free to click some of this links
World Wild Lifehttp://www.wwf.org.uk/
International Fund for Animal Welfarehttp://www.ifaw.org/ 


  1. Love this Dreamwalker so very very true , these things make me very sad . Feeling helpless , hoping we all wake up to see the destruction before it's too late.

  2. I feel exactly the same way
    as you do Dreamwalker and I
    have met so many other people
    on the net over the years that
    mirror our belief.

    Yes, we all must be caretakers
    of nature. We all must do our
    part. Her waterways have been
    poluted, the air we breath has
    been compromised, we have
    abandoned our job of caring for
    natures innocent creatures as well.

    We have to understand where the
    real problem lies is with industry.
    Our government has been compromised
    by Industry or by the Corporations
    who control this world. They do not
    care about damaging the precious
    eco-systems of this planet.

    The government can impose fines on
    the Corporations which amount to a
    little more than a simple slap on the
    wrist but if they were attempt more
    than that the company would simple
    threaten to move its business to
    another country where people will
    work for a lot cheaper than we do.
    So it is very much a catch 22scenario.

    I believe, with all my heart that there
    is some kind of great change on the horizon
    going to take place and that all of us
    with open hearts will receive this change
    and embrace it. I think we will recognize
    it as the light of unconditional love
    we have been lacking.

    Once this light takes hold the power of love
    will rule this planet once again. Nature is
    much more powerful than we think she is. Once
    the poluting stops, she will work hard to
    balance the winds and waterways and the Earth

    Love and enlighenment are the only energies
    powerful enough to create this kind of change.

    It is not about money and power and greed
    it is and has always been about LOVE

    I never tire of your words Dreamwalker.
    Getting the words out to the masses
    is always an extremely important task.

    Today I thank you for this powerful
    reminder to respect Nature, her
    waterways, the precios air we breath
    the forests and the soil from the
    earth below us.


    hugs and blessings to you Dreamwalker
    from Sharon

    1. Sharon Many thanks for this wonderful response.. There is much we can do in small ways recycling, energies saving, We each of us have to start with ourselves.. :-)
      Many thanks Sharon.... Love and Blessings Sue

    2. I agree with you and try to do what I can
      most of the people I am close with do the
      same. Small changes by large masses of
      people can affect a difference indeed.

  3. Yeh I do I saw a documentary about high Pbc levels in whales around NZ. We have glaciers not far away melting faster than ever before. If only all people thought like you that would give earth hope. I guess that a lot of people don't awake untill it's nearly too late

  4. Yeh I do I saw a documentary about high Pbc levels in whales around NZ. We have glaciers not far away melting faster than ever before. If only all people thought like you that would give earth hope. I guess that a lot of people don't awake untill it's nearly too late

  5. I recemtly saw a documentary of whales around nz full of PCB's, our glaciers melting rapidly. I wish everyone was like you than there would be hope. Most people awake whne it is nearly to late however

  6. Thank you for the visit Sue.
    Wishing you a happy Spring.

    Happy Easter too if it applies.

    hugs and blessings Sharon
