Monday, 14 October 2013

How Do We Put The World To Rights?

Confucius Sue Dreamwalker There are many who walk this pathway on our Earth journey, who finds themselves lost. Unable to see a clear path of where their journey is taking them.. As they scramble over the rocks in life, dragging themselves out of the pits of despair, as they get sucked deeper into the mires of debt, drugs, and depression, as their world around them seems to collapse which pulls them ever deeper into the dark forces of negativity. I see it every day on the streets, as I look into the faces of people who never smile, I see it in the devil may care attitude of some of our youth as they play havoc in a world where adults now seem to fear children for what they are becoming, with their ‘you can’t touch me’ attitude ‘I’m a minor’ and can get away with murder, which some do, and some have.. I look around at what the world in general has become, for the majority the rat race of who can accumulate the most in this throwaway society of food, goods, and that couldn’t care less attitude. And I despair for the future of our children’s children, as our communities are full of strangers, who view each other with suspicion, who lock their doors behind them, and who dare not look another in the eye, in case they be offended and shout abuse or rob you at knife point. Cities where we walk by those who stand begging, turning the other way, as we wonder if they are really genuine or do they leave their begging bowl and return to a plush home counting their takings for the day as we distrust each other and their motives..
Where have our Hearts gone?
When did the Care go from our lives?
When did we become strangers to one another?
And what can we do to put the world to rights?
First we need to take a good look at our reflections and put ourselves to rights then our communities will follow.. then our nations, and then our World… A tall order?
Confucius was a wise man when he uttered those words I quoted above..
Well  Today I got out the Mirror yet again.. … Care to join me?
Where would You start?
I know I can change no one other than myself! 
But I will keep sowing the Seeds…