Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Hollow is the Mind

Hollow is the mind as you shut out the night
Images drift in as visions across the screen as you fight
The torments of a soul suspended within the illusion
As you twist and turn in the jungle of confusion
Darts of blame
Spears of flames
Arrows of truth piercing the layers
As they burn into your soul, sending out prayers
To all who would listen
Hark, Hear that? As tears glisten
Rolling down, they fall through time
Tasting their salty brine
The silence echoes back across the void
What is this world in which we’ve toyed?
This Garden of Eden in which we play
Why do we destroy and cause so much dismay?
The Visions erupt clear and sharp
Each one like a new thrown dart
You erase them, scrubbing them clean
Your mind the blackboard...... the screen
You take up the chalk and in Big Letters you write
There is only one answer for this world ..
A common theme, a running thread
To pull together all pounding in my head
Nations against nation Man against Beast
I see it all as the story is unleashed
And as the Hollow is filled with thought
The restless mind in-between Worlds is caught
Seeing the Visions of Natures wrath
And all who will suffer along her path
Is it any wonder as I twist and turn
The Visions of our future are of Peace I yearn
So close your eyes- close them tight
Hollow is the mind as you shut out the night.

©  Dreamwalker - 2012 All rights reserved.

The above poem I wrote after tossing and turning one night and as I always keep a journal at my bedside I often write my poems in the middle of a sleepless night. While I endeavour to try to keep my mind as positive as possible, when we enter that zone of quiet time in-between waking and sleep, I often see then various visions play out across the screen of my mind. While some of these are I know are Dreams, often too I have had what I call a ‘Window’ open in front of me on the wall, and I am shown images within these screens which are so vivid I recall them in every detail.. These I call my Visions, for they are so much more than a dream.. At other times I am pulled backwards as if up and through myself as I travelled through the ceiling and was pulled into the cosmos as I viewed the planets and stars and I was then shown Earth. Sometimes I am shown images which I feel are yet to come, While some are pleasant others are far from it.   And some of these are what I wrote about within this poem. As I wished my mind would not see and be Hallow and empty. © Dreamwalker 2012 All rights reserved.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Cause and Effect.

The Law of Cause and Effect
“Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause;
everything happens according to Law;
Chance is a name for a Law not recognised:
There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.”
Many people now are experiencing doubts, Fears and problems in their lives, especially as the monitory problems around our globe are taking effect upon their lives.
As each of us know as fuel prices have shot through the roof, and as a result so have our energy bills and food..  The cost of living has got more expensive, many of our children find they can’t afford to buy their own homes. Those that own them are finding it increasingly difficult to pay off their Mortgage debts, People are losing their jobs and homes and the FEAR is that Life that was once comfortable appears to be getting worse.. Banks are closing and governments are printing money to get them out of trouble, adding more debt to themselves, creating yet more to the spiral of FEAR.. Not to mention the part the Media plays in all of this fear mongering! ....  
    People’s lives are responding to the Events around them, We with our fear are creating more of the same.. Isn’t this what has just happened with our Stock Markets, as Fear kicks into panic  selling, But someone somewhere is creating this. The Cause. and sure as anything we are seeing its Effect s And as each of our thoughts buzz out into that Universal Pool of turmoil of panic and worry we pass on more of this fear then are we not then creating its Effects  from the Cause... Round and round it goes... Are we not told Energy travels in circles going back to the source?
The Law of Cause and Effect is an expression of the Divine Order in the Universe. The Law states nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws.. But sometimes we are not always able to identify the many complex chains of events that produce specific effects, as we don’t see the ‘Bigger Picture’.
Events, experiences may be the result of past life actions, the result of present behaviours, or experiences provided from higher planes of existence to teach us how to master our intellectual and emotional behaviours..
Cause and Effects does not deal with ‘things’ so much as it deals with ‘events’. Every thought that we think, every act that we perform either ( individually or collectively) has a direct and indirect impact on the events which are part of the chain of Cause and Effect.
Karma is an example of the manifestation of the Law. Karma  it used to take life times to come around.. But have any of you noticed how What goes around comes around even faster today??.. I have..
Each of us has Free Will, when we Act, we have the freedom of choice to choose right Action or Wrong Action directed towards ourselves or others. Right action advances the cause of our Sacred Father; Wrong action goes against the cause of Sacred Father. When we have control over our thoughts we then move towards mastering the way to live within the law in positive ways.
The trouble is that most of us live with constant fear, anxieties, anger, worry. These are real emotions that we all experience, but if left unattended then they become the main focus, and consume our minds. These mental and emotional states then generate consequences, by drawing events to us..  This is why as I have discussed before the power of ‘The Secret’ as the emotion is focused into the intent. Such is the power of manifesting.. But we can also manifest what we Don’t want by focusing on the things we Don’t want in our lives too.
El Morya says..
“The law on Cause and effect is complicated on the surface, yet simple within the order of the Universe. The law briefly states that “ Every Cause creates and Effect, and every Effect has its origin in a Cause
On the surface it appears complicated because there are so many forces that can produce effects, for example there are thoughts, feelings, words, or actions produce in any moment of time that affect an outcome later on; or there are forces set into motion from previous lifetimes or through genetics that must be realised. It is difficult to discern the cause when one is in the midst of solving dilemma or learning from an experience. In the midst of confusion, what is important to remember is that all is created through perfect cycles of energy.
This is the truth because there is Universal Order in all things. That order says that everything moves in a circular fashion, this includes all experiences in every individual’s life, as well as the forces of nature.
Every person participates in creating his or her own reality through individual actions.
The difference between and ‘average’ individual and a ‘Master’ is that the average individual is tossed about like a boat on the high sea, following the stronger will of others. Masters learn that by using higher laws against lower laws and applying higher principles with strength and commitment, they create their own destinies and environment, Subconsciously this is a state in which all wish to be, This, however, is a state few have achieved because the hearts and minds of most individuals are not strong enough to assume responsibility for creating their own realities..
..Remember that the strength of will drives the momentum in the Law of Cause and Effect. The will, when centred and in alignment with the heart and mind, has the power to perform Miracles, and in these moments, to control the electron spin.
This is possible when the individual is both clear and free of judgement, It is also possible when he or she understands that it is ‘Light’ that directs the currents of creation.
When unpleasant events become part of one’s life, it is helpful to know that these events have come for one of two reasons.
1.      Either there is unfinished business that must be resolved before the Soul is allowed to move to a higher plane of existence, or
2.      There are lessons that must be learned to achieve higher states of existence and enlightenment.
There are no other reasons for Karmic debts experienced within the Law of Cause and Effect; all is designed for Humans to evolve to higher states of consciousness.”
So while we have free will to choose our actions in this life, we are held responsible by the Law of Cause and Effect, What most of us find hard in learning is that we have the ability to choose our outcomes and need to develop mastery over our behaviours, in order to achieve positive results...
Not always easy.. And I am still learning, but and I am now very conscious of the Power of my thoughts.. And try to control My words and Actions.. Knowing that each of them has as an Effect .. and ultimately will rebound in a circle back to their creation –Cause.... ME...
© Dreamwalker  2012 All rights reserved. 
