Monday, 3 September 2012

Can We Let Go?

Can we change the way we act in the present by relinquishing the hold the past has on us? The way we think and the ideas we express may be rooted in our emotional past, which could make it difficult for us to approach things objectively. While it is normal for our past to influence the way we view the world, perhaps we should reflect on how our opinions can colour our interactions with others.

 For example, think about where our ideas of those past events, maybe someone hurt you, and this hurt has triggered a response in the present moment. It colours our thinking, and we judge that event by how our emotions made us feel.

 Although we may never fully let go of past events, once we understand the patterns we currently have that have been formed by past events and beliefs, we can work with greater awareness to change them. This will help us see the larger picture of an issue or our interactions and make them less biased, for the more we learn to let go, the more open to recognizing the way our past has molded us today and make living in the present much more rewarding and precious.

 Learning to Let go is hard, when sometimes that’s all we have to hang onto. But letting go leaves room for growth. Letting go of the past, and trying to forgive helps us move forward. For I have found hanging onto the past only embitters and invites regret and sorrow. Know that what has occurred in the past has been to help shape our future. And acknowledge that fact.

 Once you acknowledge it and let go, you will more than likely find peace and will no longer be trapped in the circle of the past repeating its self. I now ask my self more and more, what do I need to learn from this or that lesson. And now try to laugh through them. Putting a different energy around difficult moments helps me through them.

 We all have difficulties in letting go, especially of loved ones. And it’s doubly hard when those whom we love do not feel the same. Letting go doesn’t always mean having nothing more to do with people or difficult situations, but just releasing them within your own mind helps us to heal.

 As stated previously about our cording attachments that pull and drain at each other. Cutting the cords will help both parties move on. If you have any past issues, why not try this exercise. Think about the hurt that you are holding onto and visualise a large balloon. See that emotion and put that memory within in the balloon and then say, "I release this from my past." And watch the balloon float high up in the sky out into the Universe. Ask your Angels to deal with it as you release it. Thanking them as you do. Seeing how your past influences your present could make your interactions more balanced and fair-minded.

Let Go ……..and feel free.


  1. Yes, as you have pointed out, the trick is to recognize the emotional trigger once it causes a response in us.

    I most certainly do have a problem with this one.
    Many times it takes me a while to understand the why of how I am feeling.

    Letting go of the past wipes away any bitterness and resentment you are holding close to your heart. Choose letting go to free your self from
    the pain of the wound.

    I enjoyed your visit Dreamwalker, and I would love you to visit once again. Enjoy your trip.
    I look forward to your new posts.

    I hope you do not mind if I post a link to your site on my page ?

    hugs Sharon

  2. Hi Sue, I thought I'd pop over here to visit and so glad I did.

    It is hard to let go. Lately, a few times when I was feeling pretty bad emotionally, I've thought to myself that this place I am in, which is of not knowing, is a place that maybe I should just accept for a while, even though I don't like not knowing. I don't know what to do to solve the problems and challenges I'm facing. That's how I feel these days. So, I thought, maybe I should accept that I simply don't know what to do.

    Another thing I've done lately is remember when I was young. How it felt to lie down, rest my body, without the weight of the world on me. I could lie there and imagine whatever I wanted and go off into dream state. A few times I've visualized this free state of mind and I can feel it for a moment or two. I pretend I don't have the weight of the world on me and it feels free.

    I'm glad I came here tonight. This is a very quiet place to visit. I'm pretty tired. I have pneumonia and am not feeling well. My drum beat feels faint, but I send one to you and hope you feel it.

    I just thought of my dog who passed in 2006. Her name was Free. She sure lived up to her name. Being Free was her essence and in every fiber of her being. I was blessed to be around her and loved by her. With that in mind, since remembering her made me smile and perked me up just a little :) I'll say goodnight to you, or hello I guess, in your time ;)

    Love Michelle (((hugs4u)))

  3. Thank you for your visit Sharon and so Happy to meet you once again.. Yes letting go can be hard, but it free's us to let other things into our lives.

    Wishing you a pleasant weekend.. ~Dreamwalker
