Friday, 31 December 2010

Another Year Over: A Letter

 To All who come to read.
Another Year Over
Another Year is over, and New One has just begun.
As I look back upon this year I just wonder where it has gone. This year I’ve faced many emotions, each of these making up the basis of our everyday lives as we grow and mature not only as an adult, but also as we grow spiritually.
Throughout my life I’ve had many lessons and while some were harsh others I wouldn’t exchange for one moment. And then I take a second look at the harsh ones, and if I look deep enough into their teachings I would have to admit I would not be the same person I am today if I hadn’t experienced them and gone through those lessons.
Today I had some free time and gave it over to do some meditation, pulling in that silence that brings in such love and peace.
And as I connected to that inner voice within, I was inspired to write. And so here I am with pen in hand, just allowing that pen to flow over the page knowing not what will come next.
And so it is as another year begins neither do we know what will come next. As we wish each other our ‘Happy New Years’ then return to work after the Christmas celebrations many will forget their smiles of good wishes exchanged with strangers, as once again they become drones and slaves to their work routines and financial commitments, as the material world takes its hold over our lives for another year..
For many 2011 will herald in changes some which will be joyous, but for many more much heartache is yet to come..
In November I attended a spiritual workshop  and I was reminded that while it was commendable to bring others along their spiritual path of development. I must not neglect my own.  And I pause here with pen in mid air as I realise how true this is.
Our learning never stops, and we are never too old to learn. And I have so much I still wish to learn.
As I sit in that silent space of thought and look deep within my inner most soul. I understand I am only just beginning to love the skin that I am in. I am only just seeing who I AM.
And while Ive been a daughter, sister, wife, mother friend, aunt and now a grandmother I am only just finding out the sum total of who all these faces are.
Here in that silent space as I breathe deep with eyes closed as I pull in that Divine energy which surrounds us all, I am discovering who I AM.
And as the New Year begins so begins a new adventure as I connect back to ALL that I was, and ALL yet to come. Knowing as I do... That we are ALL ONE..
I am inspired to share with you that it’s important for each of us to connect back to the light within. And to find a space of time to sit in silence with our thoughts- just let go and be.. To breathe in that pure energy of love in which ALL creation is held.
I’m inspired to say to you all who come to read these words, Love yourselves and send that love out unto others and into Mother Nature. For our Earth Mother so needs to feel our love once again, as we have so forgotten our roots, our connection with Nature and Earth. Taking her for granted.
And she reminds us with every passing Season how mighty she is. So as this year ends, let us remember those who gave their lives this year to Natural disasters, in Wars, in famine, through disease or tragedy
Close your eyes with me in one moment of silent thought in sending out your love and energy in remembering them and our loved ones, by sending out your thoughts and adding your own light and remember also to give yourself this coming year some of that tender love to yourselves by including and embracing  yourself in that love.
And let your New Year be filled
With Love.. Light..... and Peace....
 Sue Dreamwalker..   

Sunday, 26 December 2010

The Greatest Gift Ever.

The Greatest Gifts
I hope that everyone has had a good Christmas Day, that you’ve received all you wished for and more, and have eaten until you feel as stuffed as that Turkey roast we’re all so fond of putting on our tables at Christmas time.
I wish I could say I was vegetarian at this point, but I’m not, I was meat free for 2yrs, but either I wasn’t eating correctly getting the right vitamin supplements but I ended up feeling quite ill. That and the call of the ‘Bacon Butty’ got too much so I became a carnivore again.
I say ‘at this point’, because I think of the millions of Turkeys who gave up their lives so we could enjoy Christmas Dinner!
Today I can start and chill out and relax as yesterday Christmas Day I went to work along with many others who give of their service to others, not only the carers and medical professions but those too in the catering industries who give up their Christmas day to serve others for people who wish to holiday and not cook their own Christmas lunches.
This Christmas for us as a family has been both joyful and sad, joyful in the fact that we have our first grandchild Isobella’s first  Christmas with us. And sad as Isobella’s other Granny died this Christmas Eve after losing her battle with Cancer. Isobella being their first grandchild too, we were just overjoyed she saw her come into the world.
My thoughts here go out to all those who suffer loss of loved ones at whatever time of year, the pain of such is heartbreaking but more so it seems at Christmas time.
I got to thinking why is that? For during the last year I have heard of many old friends and acquaintances who have passed to Spirit, and many who have lost their battles with Cancers.
The answer for me is that at Christmas time our awareness opens us up more to giving, as we buy presents and visit loved ones whom we perhaps haven’t seen all year as that closeness, that bond of love builds up in what we term the ‘Christmas Spirit’ as we smile and wish everyone a Happy Christmas leaving tips and good wishes for their New Year to come.
At Christmas time our senses are heightened, as for once we have to stop and think about others instead of ourselves as we madly rush around thinking of that perfect gift to give them. And yet what is that perfect gift? It can never be found within the material gifts we toil all year long for to attain.
The perfect gift for me comes absolutely free, Its the gift of ‘Giving back’ giving of yourself to serve your fellow man, and it may come as simple as a smile to a stranger or a helping hand to a young mum getting on the bus loaded with shopping, pushchair and toddler in tow.  These are the gifts we should share all year round. Yet we have become so caught up in the wheel of toil and debt in this so called ‘Modern Age’ of keeping up with the Jone’s, we rush around in our own little worlds blinked to others needs.
I often think back to what maybe termed the ‘Good Old Days’ when things were much simpler then. Friends have often said to me there was nothing ‘Good’ about those days without the time saving gadgetry we rely upon today.
But I say this; to me they were the ‘Good Old Days’ for we knew who our neighbours were in fact whole communities came together. We didn’t lock our doors behind us as we entered our homes or view every stranger with suspicion. We pulled together helping each other out, We used to have time for one another.
The Gifts we have forgotten in these so called Modern times is that we have forgotten how to give of our time to each other.
And time is a gift we should all give ourselves. For time is running faster for every one of us. Just where did last year go? And what, as you look back did we actually achieve?
Isn’t it time we ALL gave ourselves that perfect gift? As we move into yet another year. Let us spend time with ourselves if only for Five Minutes in our busy days. Go into that sacred space of silent thought. Spend time with yourselves, and listen to those inner most promptings that ‘Inner Voice’ .
Stop and think of all those material possessions we all have, and think for 5 minutes of your day which one you prize the most...
And then give thanks for the one you’ve had with you all your life which has cost you nothing to buy but without it all the toil and sweat of your labours would mean nothing.
That is the Greatest gift of all..
The Gift of Life.
The Gift of Health.
And the gift of life our Earth Mother gives us Free Every Single Day of the year..
Thank you...
Dreamwalker .

Monday, 13 December 2010

My World, My Space

My World, My Space.

I sit within my own space looking out at upon the world
And what I see upsets me, as events unfurl.
Strong that I am, for I came to be part of the ALL
I play my role, even though that part is small.
I try to spread a little light along the rugged road
And open up our thoughts to lighten up the load
But sometimes I can’t shake the disappointments of our Earth
And others need to remind me, of my inner self and worth
The division between the nations, the wars, the suffering
Help me put into perceptive my own minds meanderings
One thing I know for certain, is that united we must stand
And not let our differences stop us from reaching out our hands
In helping fellow beings as events begin to unfold
And let them know we care, so reach out to them and hold.
For alone we think we stand, and yet many see the plight
And awaken to the knowledge of our Earth’s daily fight
Spread peace to each other, don’t get caught up within the fear
And light will illuminate the darkness as Earth she sheds a tear
For she is another victim, who now shouts out pain
And her only voice is thunder, lightning, earthquakes, rain.
So join your hands together and repeat these words with me
We Bless you Mother Earth, and thank you gracefully
I sit now in my space, sending prayers out to the word
And ask that I be stronger, as I watch events unfurl.

© Dreamwalker  2010 All rights reserved.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Lonely Winds of Time.


Lonely Winds..

The wind it howls though my mind
As it rushes through the window pane
Gaps of thought entwined with yours
Of lonely hearts drumming on the door
To let me in, and know..
That all is safe despite the din.
As yet another night begins the lonely thoughts.
But as the wind it gathers strength and beats
Relentless howling to come in.
You are there within my mind,
I see the shadow as you shine
Your thoughts entwine within my mind
No longer now alone am I,
For like the wind you echo wild
Reverberating around the room,
Clearing the mists no longer gloom
As together we shall be..
Joined in breath in winds of past
Forging ahead in mighty blast
We shed the yoke of burdens carried
Too long we’ve wasted and tarried
Within the room of lonely thought
Where winds did howl and screech and tare
For now my love there’s no compare
As winds of thoughts you reach my mind
And loneliness I no longer find
As you entwine your thoughts with mine..

© Dreamwalker  2010 All rights reserved.

Natures Song.


Nature's Song

Nature is so magnificent just ‘Being’
Are we looking, are we seeing?
Heavens glory in Mother Earth
Flora, Fauna, She shows her worth.

Breathe in the Life, Breathe in the Sun
And Listen to Earths Music Song
And let your Heart sore way up high
For I am Joyful, I float in sky

Smiling now I reach out to you
To share my joy, for it is true
We can let the shadows pass on by
Together forever you and I.

©  Dreamwalker  2010 All rights reserved.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

We each need to think Positive..


Concentrate On The Positive.

Have any of you ever just taken too much on?
When your Mind is a whirl, and you’ve no Concentration.
This week’s been like that, with my head in a spin
Taking three steps forward, and four back again.

Pressures of my job which have left me kind of low
And a person who did deal me a heck of a blow.
My mind which is usually so active and alert
Instead I’ve been so drained, despondent and hurt.

I know it will pass when I get my brain in gear,
I just need to Concentrate and be more positive this year.
What lessons do I need to learn from this episode?
I need to be dispassionate, care less I am told.

But when you have a heart that embraces all with love
It’s difficult to separate, switch off from all the above.
Reports I’ve had to fill and meetings to attend
And I’ve called upon my Angels, broken hearts to mend.

I’m hoping that this brain between my ears can rest
Because I know I’ve tried my very, very, best.
But it still doesn’t take away the sadness or the pain.
And it will not stop me trying to reach out to them again.

But here I am so easily falling into that old trap-
Of negative thought, so I’d better call it a wrap!
For many blessings do I have in my wonderful life
I must Concentrate on these, not the moments of strife.

Tomorrow when I wake, these thoughts will seem blur.
And I’ll Concentrate on love and Happiness will occur.
The ramblings of a mind at two am is sad,
But my Angels are listening of that I’m very glad.

They tell me to Concentrate upon the Positive and Good,
Remembering All are embraced and protected with their Love.
So with my final thoughts, I’ll say a prayer to mend.
And with all my blessings to everyone I send.
By Sue Dreamwalker
© Sue Dreamwalker  2010 All rights reserved.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Remember Them


Remember Them.
Remember them of yesterday..
Remember them that fell today,
Remember them in faraway lands
Remember them for they too had plans
Remember Them...
Remember the old soldiers of World war one..
The Great War to end all wars that was won..
Remember too all the battles that still rage
As History turns yet another page..
Remember them..
Remember too all who serve,
With medals adorned and well deserved.
The medics who brave their lives to retrieve
Those brave soldiers who too they grieve
Remember them.

Remember all those who are serving in our armed forces where ever they may be in this world.. Remember those that have been killed, those who have horrific injuries and those loved ones who are left behind to pick up the pieces of life.. Remember the children who have lost their parents.
And all those caught up in the Wars that still Rage around our Globe.

Sunday, 31 October 2010

The Mask

The Mask

The Mask..

Alone now with thoughts so deep
The mask she lets slip her eyes does weep.
Her sorrow shows, her head she bows
With memories of love that knew no bounds.
By day her life she tries to fill

At night she roams, and feels the chill
Of Moonlight shadows by a church
Her heart does race, it gives a lurch
She sees her name it’s etched in stone
As through the vale of mist she roams
She knows not where to lay her head
She knows not, that she is dead
But haunts the place, where she were Wed.
Her lover now no longer found
She haunts the Woods she cries out loud
Oh where oh where
The Mask she wears is from the Ball
Where she did dance within the Hall
Where she once laughed and Sang with glee
And on that fateful night did flee.

She thought her love would keep her warm
Until that night, of memories scorn
She ran in fear into the wood
Upon where she fell in pool of Blood.
Oh where oh where

 By Dreamwalker

©  Dreamwalker  2010 All rights reserved.

Saturday, 30 October 2010



Butterfly, Butterfly, Dancing on the breeze
You flit through the heavens, and among the trees
You fly through the air, like a leaf upon the wind,
Tumbling and turning, beating your soft wings

The meadow is your haven, with flowers of nectar sweet,
I watch you fly to heaven, while I sit upon my seat.
Your message of transformation, as I let go of old
And I watch your new freedom as I ask to be bold

My sorrows held within me, as again I give a sigh
You hypnotise me with your beauty, as you fly on by
You whisper in my ear, to trust in all that’s good
For your lifespan is so precious, so live it as we should

You never waste a moment, searching for your mate
For time for you is limited, yet here I hesitate.
Teach me to trust and let myself fly free
And push away the dark clouds, and let myself be me

The Daisies are many, gathered all around
Each one pure perfection, pushing through the ground
They nod their heads together, all in unison
Their fragrance on the wind, smiling at the Sun.

Nature at her best, she neither worries nor does toil
She just keeps on growing, and pushing through the soil.
And even when the ground is hard with all the frost
The flowers push on upwards, and nothing is ever lost.

And so my Butterfly, as at last you’re flying free...
Of caterpillar’s drudgery, of munching under tree
I know you hold a lesson for all of us to share
Your wings are made in heaven and are beyond compare.

And when we see your beauty, we’re reminded of all good.
How each can transform our lives, learning how to love.
So flit around the world, and spread your love and light.
For when I see you on my path.. Then I know I’m alright.
By  Dreamwalker.
©  Dreamwalker  2010 All rights reserved.



Mystical, Magical, Delving Deep.
Mother Earth for all to keep.
Fairies ,Elves and Leprechaun,
Hidden hideouts for Unicorns.
Creepers and Vines and Honey Bees
Birds that flit from tree to tree.
Water that gurgles in yonder brook
A Place to gather one’s thoughts and look.
Peace is a haven to share and shine,
Is this place of long ago forgotten time..
By Dreamwalker..

Saturday, 2 October 2010



When that moment arrives we all at some point reach a stage where we sit still and ask the inevitable question..
For some of us the time may be too late, for others the times has come, and the opportunity to seize this has passed, alas it is however never too late, for there is never any better time than NOW..
When this time comes, it will be with trepidation a realization that for all the materialism in this world there is a greater need, a need to fulfilment a need to be oneself…
The trepidation is the newness of experience, a time when all that you are becomes self evident, all you know is made clear and the picture you paint all through your life becomes who you are, therefore, we are all a part of something bigger, a part of a grander place that reveals itself through our actions, in what we do, for love is nothing, if we do nothing with that love. the realization is that unfolds before you is the beginning, a time when you may view the self with difference, a time when everything you have learned and understood comes together and starts to make resounding sense, or in part make your journey one of meaning.  

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Native Ceremonies.

Corn Dance... Seeds of Truth.......


Native ceremonies Help people to remember their responsibilities to nature around them and to the Universe. In Australia the Aboriginal people speak of ‘Dreaming’ and again these stories are passed down word of mouth through generations.

When Western science meets the stories of the indigenous peoples of both cultures, the Western approach fails to understand that native stories are stories of origin, which are a creative interpretation of the experiences of peoples within places, which are interwoven with metaphoric meaning.

We tend to not understand, because many refuse to open their minds as to any other possibilities than their own meanings of man’s origin.

To the Native everything is considered to be “alive”, and imbued with ‘Spirit Energy’ even the pebble has its own form and energy. And everything is interrelated to everything around us. They understand the relationship of Time and Space between living and none living things. Understanding not only the physical, but the psychological and Spiritual, which involves ‘Dreams’, ‘Visions’ and that ‘knowing’. And Know that life is a circle of learning..And to help remember and create harmony, between Earth, Sky, and its peoples, many ceremonies and blessings of gratitude took place and one of these is the Corn Dance ..

The Corn Dance rituals were performed at particular times of the year during various growing cycles, bringing their community together to celebrate and remember the sacredness of Corn and all plant life upon which they depended.. In which we all depend upon today.. The indigenous not only expressed the relationship between plant and animal world, but they built great canals.. The Hohokam people built these canals in the Tuscan Valley, long before the arrival of Europeans. The Hohokam systems were able to supply the irrigation needs of over fourteen thousand acres of cropland. They understood agriculture and how to maintain key plants such as corn. The ceremony associated with Corn showed the community how important it was for all to work together in order for survival.

Native People loved their gardens and grew Corn, Tobacco Aramanth and quinoa and were spiritually symbolic of Native myths and cosmologies.

The Following Story is of the Tuscarora Corn Spirit.

In a time long ago, in a village that was well known for its plentiful corn harvest, became negligent of respecting the Corn Spirit. The people had become so used to the bountiful harvests they took them for granted. And they let the weeds grow in their gardens, and didn’t store their seeds correctly, nor did they give thanks for their harvest to the Corn Spirit.

They soon found that the mice ate the Corn they had carelessly stored. So the men began to hunt, but found they could find no game, and so soon the people began to starve.

There was only one man who kept the covenant of respect to the Corn Spirit, his name was Dayohagwenda, and his garden produced rich harvests of corn. One day when Dayohagwenda was picking herbs, he came upon an old man dressed in rags and weeping. He asked the old man what was wrong. The old man said.” Your people have forgotten me, I am the Corn Spirit and I will soon die”

Dayohagwenda returned to his village and told them that the Corn Spirit would soon die if they didn’t return to their ways of honouring him, through careful planting, weeding and harvesting and storing their corn. So they immediately began to do this and their corn once again thrived in abundance, as they gave thanks to the Corn Spirit for blessing their food..

Morden Native peoples and farmers are today under threat by huge corporations that are genetically altering seeds so that they will not germinate unless a particular agricultural chemical is added. This technology is spreading to other seed suppliers which would prevent farmers from harvesting seeds from their own original seeds, thus requiring them to purchase new seeds each season..

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

The Power of our Thoughts

The Power of Our Thoughts

I am always talking about the power of our thoughts and how they are very much underestimated and the tendency among light-workers is to think that we are individually too insignificant to make a difference.

But with an understanding given to us by Ancient Wisdom, our thinking can be put in harmony with what we know of the Divine Plan, and within that plan, we can generate thought-forms of quality that can turn the battle with the Dark Forces/negative in our favour to that of the Light Forces/Positive..

We can change our world by sending out our thoughts like sowing them like seeds upon the wind, casting them out to all who will listen..

As world karma plays out, we, have the right to invoke light and help from the Spiritual Hierarchy. We forget that we need to ask for help from those Higher realms of existence.. We must remember we have Free Will and the Hierarchy cannot interfere unless we request that help...

We have to decipher the truth about what is going on, no matter what the mass media is telling us. Let us turn around the seeds that the Dark Forces have planted within our minds.. For that is what they do.. They plant Fear to control us..

The mass consciousness exists on the lower mental plane work alongside our emotions with the astral plane. They oscillate between mental and astral. The mass consciousness then mirrors the fact that the vast majority of the earth's populations live according to emotional impulses and basic mental functions necessary to survive which provides ready fodder to the Dark Forces.

Mother Earth is at this moment helping bring about Compassion as we see the signs of the Earth Changes in weather patterns, Fires, Earthquakes and Flood disasters.

The mass consciousness can reach more individuals than the mass media and can gain considerable momentum in shifting the balance of light and darkness on earth. It will touch the minds of people in their sleep, in quiet moments of contemplation during the day, in prayers, and even in the most unexpected moments of one's daily life. And as minds change, so will the rebalancing begin to manifest on the earth plane.

Finally, we have the right and power to send our enlightened thoughts into the mass consciousness, without hatred or emotion but as a matter of duty, being lightworkers in our incarnation on earth. This whole thought process is done internally far from the eyes of the Dark Forces and has the incalculable force of the cosmos behind it. Think and so create the world you wish to live in .

I know what sort world I wish to live is so let us all start to create it, and think Harmonious thoughts so the balance can be addressed.

Heal the World


Ripple Effect.

Ripple Effect.

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others

As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward..

Each word and thought a vibration of energy that even though our eyes cannot see it, travels out from the source of our creation, our minds to those whom we touch, with either a kind or harsh word.

The impact you have on the world is greater than you could ever imagine, and the choices you make can have far-reaching consequences. You can use the ripple effect to make a positive difference and spread waves of kindness that will wash over the world. Or you can contribute to its destruction by adding your negativity to help the dark-side win the battle that is now being played out. Someone feeling the effects of negative energy will be more likely to pass on that negative energy.

So should the opportunity arise, and you feel compelled to do a good deed for someone else. One act of charity, one thoughtful deed, or even one positive thought can pass from individual to individual, snowballing until it becomes a group movement or the ray of hope that saves someone’s life.

Every transformation, just like every ripple, has a point of origin. You must believe in your ability to be that point of origin if you want to use the ripples you create to spread goodness. Consider the effect of your thoughts and actions, and try to act graciously as much as possible.

To smile at a stranger, a compliment given to a friend, an attitude of laughter, or a thoughtful gesture can send ripples that spread among your loved ones, out into your community, and finally throughout the world. You have the power to touch the lives of everyone you come into contact with and everyone those people come into contact with. The momentum of your influence will grow as your ripples moves onward and outward.

One of those ripples could become a tidal wave of love and kindness.